Red Squirrel


Who Goes There?

It's a bright sunny day today - but it's -2c at 12:30pm! Brrrrr...
There's been a hard frost overnight and things look very beautiful.
When feeding Tom-the-Tank earlier I noticed that the paddock, still snow covered, is adorned with various tracks. I hadn't ventured into the paddock since the snow last weekend - what a wimp! So I decided to take my camera and see what's been about, with blipping in mind. A good opportunity too for getting an early blip, as there are things I want to get done today. Of the shots I took, this was my choice to blip. By their size I reckon these to be from the Roe deer which often pass by. Other similar but smaller tracks I saw were obviously from Muntjacs. And I suspect tracks made of large pawprints with a big splodge behind each one may well be from one of the local foxes.

Here's A CLOSE UP of one of the Roe deer tracks.

It's stayed so cold all week, it's little wonder how little snow has melted on the paddock. This morning looking toward the stream it looks like THIS.

THIS IS THE VIEW looking to the other corner (the end of K & L's garden just visible)

The frost creates some gorgeous effects. I love the feathery effect on THIS GRASS STEM. and on THESE ONES.
Even dung can look beautiful with FROST ON IT!

Time for me to get on and do things I think.
Have a good Saturday! xx

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