Let There Be Light

By solli


Cassin's Finch

I was remiss in getting the feeders ready as I had much to do and a chiropractor appointment at 1:00pm. Apparently, my 2nd rib was out of alignment along with my clavicle. What could possibly be next?!

But I don't mean to digress. As I was headed to my Mini, Himself from yesterday swooped by to land in the tree by my car. We stared at each other for at least 20 seconds while he gave me his full frontal attitude! "WELL? Where's the SEED?"

I felt so guilty!

Upon my return, I filled those empty tubes as fast as I could then sat down for an hour or so to wait for him. The sparrows came, Mrs. Cardinal also, female finches and Prince Pomegranate, the raspberry-red finch.

Round about 5pm, Mr. Cardinal showed up. I'll put a few snaps on Flickr but the blip today belongs to my long lost raspberry beret...

I think I love you....

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