
Nowt much about nowt today in the news line, the usual stuff.

But, last night I was thinking about how one of the best ever films about life in London and one I've not seen for a good few years now is Michael Winterbottom's Wonderland, an absolutely terrific movie from 1999. There's a lot of greyness, a lot of drizzle, a lot of the everyday and a heck of a lot of real warmth and humanity in there. It's one of those low-key, poignant gems that come along every now and again and after you've seen it you just want to rush around and tell everyone to go and see it. Off to add it to my Lovefilm list right now.

It comes with a great Michael Nyman soundtrack too. And (this isn't exactly a spoiler so feel free to read on) the scene where next-door's ever-barking alsation gets poisoned to the sounds of Nyman's swelling strings is really quite something to remember. Here's a taster.

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