All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Vets

Obi & Leia were due their annual trip to the vets today. As Ethan has been with me the past few times I've taken our cats there and has really enjoyed seeing all the animals in the waiting room, I thought I'd take him along with me tonight.

These 2 cats aren't the lightest though, never mind when they're both in the cat basket at the same time. And Ethan decided when we got there that he didn't want to walk, but wanted carried! I must have looked a right sight, struggling in the entrance with him on one hip and weighed down by the basket on my other side! He also then freaked out at the dogs in there (no idea why - he has always seemed to like dogs before) and then didn't want to go back to the car but kept running up and down the slopey path shouting "d-o-www-nnnnnn" over and over! Hmmm! At least the cats were well behaved although I nearly had heart failure at the £95 bill I was presented with for their boosters!

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