The daily commute - Edinburgh style

Heading out early across the Meadows for once. The frost is white on the ground and the 'Occupy Edinburgh' sign has returned, there are even some signs of life around the tents. This is the daily commute - although most of them aren't busy workers, but students heading off towards classes in George Square and beyond. A crocodile of people, processing down Jawbone Walk, mainly on foot but a few on bikes.

I achieved some things today but maybe not as much as I'd wanted. Tired after a late night last night. E and I were at 'The Artist' - brilliant film and I spotted the streets I'd walked down in Hancock Park, LA, nearly 2 years ago. But, later, at home, my brain just wouldn't switch off, 'stuff' to worry about. So at 4 I was up having milk and biscuits and then I dozed off.

The result of all of this was that by 5 to-night, at the Venture Scotland Board meeting, I was struggling to stay awake, and the budget discussions didn't help. The lift home didn't materialise either and I discovered that the total journey time by the #5 bus was no quicker than walking. But the bus was warmer. I was so glad to come home to a warming bowl of lentil soup and apple crumble, made by me of course, who else? So tonight, I'm flaked out in front of the tv.


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