Who could tire

of a view like this?

It was SUCH a beautiful day - wall to wall blue skies all day. A bit skitey going across the Meadows this morning though. Saw a few bikes take a tumble and thought about Allan bunny hopping his way on the north side. Skitey coming back too but managed to walk at a fair pace up the hill while talking on the phone and without falling down or getting too out of puff.

The February sun made me stop and spend some money - on earrings, a necklace and a ring - it was the sun, honest, it made me. I ordered a mirror and my lamp is ready.

But it was such a lovely day. It was so still, not a breath of air, the flag hangs limp against the flagpole. You can see the back of the Great Hall in the Castle and of course today, being the Queen's accession, a 21 gun salute was fired, just after I took this photo. 60 years today but they fire it every year. #3 son has been in the gun party - but not this year. I didn't hear the guns though - the battery points the other way.

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