A flapping about getting nothing much done kind of a day. We got ready for school in the morning, but were told by a neighbour - who had had the sense to call the school before heading out into the snow - that the head teacher was there, but no-one else so there would be no classes today. So with much joy the kids rushed back inside to throw down their school bags (agreeing that it was in any event much too cold to go to school) before rushing outside in inadequate clothing to roll around in the snow.
And so it went for the day. They came in and out bringing snow, cold air and wet garments each time. Then rushing out again 20 minutes later unable to understand why the clothes they'd left in a snowy heap in the hall were (shock horror) still there and still cold and wet.
I flitted about doing not much and just hoping for no more calls from Mr B. Finally, he arrived in the early afternoon with our slightly broken car full of crisps and other essential supplies from the other side of the water.
Glorious bright sunshine all day, and the roads were mostly clear when I headed out later to buy petrole for our stoves and other essentials from this side of the water (duck and wine!)
We have a couple of new visitors to the garden - some female chaffinches. Here's one, spreading her wings prior to enjoying a good feast on fat balls. Let the good times roll.
EDIT: Just figured out why all the roads in town have been so carefully cleared of snow - Sarkozy is coming to town tomorrow.
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