Up early to get the kids ready for school, usual panics over homework, lunch made for Conor to take... Wrapped up warm, out to the car and off we go. Out at the car, I realise that none of the other cars have moved, even though we're late. But the snow doesn't look too bad so off we go. Part way I decide the snow is fine, but the hard packed, unsalted, uncleared ice is not too good. So I phone the school (obviously should have done that 10 minutes before from home... and there are no classes today - just a place for kids to be if their parents have to work.
Still, at least we were up and about early rather than all lounging in our lovely warm beds for another hour. (Sob.)
Apart from that, a rather stop start day of not quite submitting a return we have to do; of our electrician not showing up for a meeting, then showing up late with no apology; and of deciding a list of jobs in the house, then not doing any of them because it's too cold (glue won't set, paint won't dry...)
Conor had ordered a toy with the last of his Christmas money, so he was back and forth to the post box as often as he was allowed to see if it was there. First time he was delighted to find a big parcel, with a card on top addressed to him. However, the package had nothing to do with the card and was actually these rather lovely shoes for a special occasion in May.
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