
Yesterdaywas Hannah's first day on skis and it went ... OK. More time on the toboggan, but it's all about fun in the snow.

Today we had a another go. In the morning she did more tobogganing, and at least put the skis on. In the afternoon I had another concerted effort practicing "pizza and spaghetti".

In the end she got it - spaghetti to go fast, pizza to stop (or try to turn). She's on her way - yeeha!

The cool thing is she seems to really enjoy the snow; excellent balance, no tantrums. I have a feeling she might have skiing in her blood, like me ;-)

And not to forget Adam, he had a lesson with Instructor Dave today. Did a few runs on the T-Bar practicing turning and stopping - did very well. Then he was racing his mum up and down. Won't be too long before she won't be able to keep up ;-)

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