As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt

At the Zoo

Another glorious day here in Portland and I spent a good chunk of it at the Oregon Zoo with my friend K. She and I work together but we have opposite weekends off. If not for surgery I would have been spending this day at work. Yeah for recovery time.

It is hard to go to the zoo and not take pictures of every animal. I wanted a different shot, one that I could not get on smart phone and here it is. An Asian Elephant as seen through a stand of bamboo (the blurry green stuff.) I did have a close second, so I have added it to my blipfolio; go visit my hippopotami; they will make you smile. I have also added a picture of Kenny the mandrill Monkey. He looks deep in thought, he is really looking for food.

Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday and I think I am headed to my dad's house to hang out with him, my brother, niece, nephew and a couple of neighbors. It should be a good afternoon.

I hope you all are having as great a weekend as I am.

Happy Blipping!

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