....the weather outside is frightful.......

Up at 6.30 to a beautiful blue sky...... by 9.00 it had started to cloud over....by 10.30 complete cloud cover...the boys and I were at the cabin shooting the breeze and having a coffee..........at 11.50 the promised snow arrived.

Home to the warm....at about 3.00 the S&H, YH, Charlie and nan Linda arrived....and still the snow kept coming.

Charlie got taken out into the snowat about 4.15....her first real time in snow....she didn't like it much...no matter how we tried to show her what fun it was.......mind you I don't think the S&H tipping her out of the sledge helped!

Comfort food for dinner....a huge cottage pie, followed by a delicious rice pudding made by YH and the S&H. Charlie ate a whole bowl of cottage pie and one of rice pud.......proper food!

They left for home at 7.30 and a journey that should have taken about 20 minutes lasted nearly two hours, mainly due to pillocks who, faced with a slight slope covered in snow, decided the correct approach was to slap it into first gear and floor it!

It stopped snowing just before 10.00....we have about four inches down......the Boss has to be up for work around 6.30 in the morning....I have a feeling I may be getting up to help clear the car and, if needed, dig the wheels out.

It was minus 40 C in Siberia today! Our school party are setting off on Wednesday!

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