Boomtown China

By KevinIMitton

Walk this way!

Feet and arrows instruct commuters how to behave, in mainland China, when boarding or disembarking an underground train.

Walk this way...
but no RUN-DMC & Aerosmith

"Please queue up and let passengers off first" as is heard on the Shenzhen Metro all day in (Mandarin) Chinese, Cantonese and English.

Public information videos also teach commuters to offer seats to the elderly which Chinese people are very good at doing! It also guides people to talk quietly on the phone this has considerably less success. A number of individuals here seem to think their mobile (shou ji) is a MEGAPHONE!

Today a colleague watched a video of a verbal slanging match between mainland Chinese and Hong Kong Chinese because the mainlanders were eating on the train. One may say Hong Kongers view some mainlanders as a little uncouth. (If I find the video link in the next few days I'll add the link to this blip or one of its comments.

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