Clean Slate

By cleanslate

New Playgroup

These are the grounds of no.2 son's new playgroup :-)

It's in the Quaker Meeting House and the building and grounds are really lovely and even more importantly, the staff have already organised to get some signing training and they seem to listen when I'm crazy I worry about stuff (or they humour me, at least!!)

But don't talk to me about the trip-hazards in the outside play area... breathe .....Heck, I need to get out more... or he does....

He had a lovely time today, although he wasn't very impressed that I'd fibbed when I left him ("I'm just popping to get something from the car" - won't wash next time!) He signed his displeasure so beautifully though :-/ Terrible parent (that wasn't what he signed by the way - there's no way I'm teaching him that!)

Anyway I think Thursday mornings may now be renamed, 'Blipping Thursdays', or something more catchy?? Either way, 'me time', here I come :-)

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