The Wren

By TheWren

The Ochils

It is really good to have my two chums back home with me and I am very grateful to my friends for rescuing them last week when I had to dash to catch a flight south.

Although very cold it is dry here and I enjoyed being back on one of my regular walks and to breathe some good Scottish air into my lungs. The view here is not one I have blipped before but it is across to the Ochil hills to the east. You may wish to view it in large, but if you look closely you should be able to see a large wind farm on one of the slopes. (If you look at Cara's head and then take a vertical line up into the slope of the hills, that is where they are.) You cannot usually see these turbines with the naked eye from where I was walking but the current snow cover brings them into relief.

Following the walk I had a fair bit of admin to catch up on and also my aquarium in the living room was showing signs of neglect, so it too had a work over this afternoon. I use rainwater to fill it up and as it was so cold I had to heat some of it first in the microwave otherwise the poor fish would have turned up their little fins in shock! Once I have posted this I will complete my unpacking before I settle down to reading a couple of interesting items in my mail.

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