The Wren

By TheWren


I had no idea what I was going to be able to blip today as I left Reading about 10am and was going to be on one train or another for the remainder of daylight. I journeyed from Reading to Paddington, then took the Underground to King's Cross where I boarded the Highland Chieftain train bound for Inverness. I probably could have found something to blip on the Underground but was so keen to keep moving along with the throng, pulling my suitcase behind me, that I never stopped to take the camera out. Thank goodness for those little wheels! I had thrown things into the suitcase in such a hurry the other day that I think that if I had forgotten the kitchen sink then it was all I had forgotten!

Once safely in my seat in the Quiet coach I was delighted to find free wi-fi for 15 minutes on East Coast trains and I managed to catch up on some blip comments. Then the time ran out. So I threw caution to the wind and took up the offer to gain another hour of blipping for a fiver. I hadn't finished playing catch up when my time ran out again but by then I was ready to tuck into my picnic so felt content to let it be. At one stage during my long journey the sun and clouds were playing a game of hide and seek and throwing up some very interesting shapes and rays in the process and I thought - I have a blip at last, albeit from a fast moving train!.

However there was more to come! As the train pulled into Edinburgh I looked out of the window and up and saw the Bank of Scotland Head Office on The Mound, standing proudly on its hill with flags flying with the railway lines and other station paraphernalia just below it - including the red stop light. Once I had taken the picture and checked it back I was intrigued by the contrast of images as the camera had also picked up the reflection of the inside of the railway carriage and superimposed this on the images outside. .....It is different, anyway, and a fitting shot for my journal today so I hope you like it.

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