Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull

My Knight in Chipped Red Paint

So. It's the eve of the client visit, and fair to say I am somewhat bricking it.

It'd be fine if they were just here for some presentations or a chat or to look at some samples. But they want (and have in fact extended their allotted lab. time to enable them to) watch us conduct experiments.


I don't deal well with large pieces of expensive and heavy glassware under pressure and over-caffeinated. Particularly when there are borrowed, expensive and equally heavy pieces of mechanical apparatus directly above previously described glassware and it is my duty to ensure each is securely fastened and in place.

This is my love-worn moka. I suspect it's delicious and very useful nectar will be crutch tomorrow (and Thursday).

On a more positive note, went out for a run after putting the dinner on to slow cook, and discovered that trotting along quiet, dark but undaunting cycle track to the upbeat sounds of Bruce Springsteen is awesome. Similarly, I expect a chapter or two of Sherlock Holmes before bed to pretty much cure what ails me. At least until my early rise tomorrow...

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