Mike's area

By mikeprice


OK - I want the guy who invented the snooze button to be found and subejcted to some serious inconvenience on the lines of those employed in medieval dungeons!!!!!!!

There must be a special place in Hell reserved for people who come up with such a dangerous idea. I mean if it is there and you wake up after a beautifull weekend - involving not much sleep - AND there is a snooze button on the radio - the rest is inevitable!

Has any one seen any research (probably in the Daily Mail)on how much time is lost to industry due to people being late to work due to snooze buttons??

Oh - and the porrige exploded all over the microwave due to not paying attention as I was in a rush!!!!!!!

As you might have gathered -- I was in work for 8:30 this morning! Fortunatly no speed cameras on the A55 and no road works (????).

However - God was showing off again with the sunrise - this time employing wispy clouds to show the colours - and I couldn't stop!! I mean the things that were up in the sky were amazing - I suppose chaos theory and string theory and quantum stuff and wave mechanics and Professor Brian Cox (bastard - too damn young, intelligent and charismatic And on the teley every 5 mins- must have a pact with the devil) may be able to explain it - but DAMN it was good.

Err - was that a rant??
Sorry - have a good evening everyone!

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