Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


Elizabeth had her birthday a couple of days early.

The living room had loads of balloons in it and her presents. She was very excited opening them saying "oh, wow!" Her favourite seems to be the Happyland Fairy House. She likes putting the "ladies" to sleep, and having "tea time".

She also got a Happyland Alien Space Station, Charley Bear jigsaws, a memory puzzle, a Little Trikes car, money and lots of clothes. And it isn't even her birthday yet!

The car is only half built. It's always the first thing she plays with when she goes to the toy department in John Lewis, so I'm sure it's going to be a favourite too. Not that there's room for it in the house, so she might have to wait for nice days to play with it.

We took her out bowling with family and friends. It was her first time bowling. She really enjoyed it. Even managed to get a strike with her first shot!

Everyone came back to the house afterwards for cake and takeaway.

Elizabeth played with her new toys and the balloons and she entertained all of us for the evening. And then she slept very soundly all night.

Rebecca was good too. She slept through the bowling, then woke up at home and had cuddles and smiles with everyone and stayed awake longer than I think she ever has! She slept well after that too.

Afterwards, Elizabeth was telling her daddy about "Chris and Pui" going home. Chris and Pui are the presenters on a Cbeebies programme called "Show me, show me". But we think she was talking about Jeff's friend's Chris and Richard.

Elizabeth also asked when everyone was coming back.

And she's been talking about bowling ever since!

Success I think.

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