Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


After a late night last night (backblipped this morning), I gave myself a lie in. Inspired by our baking yesterday I decided I'd make myself a nice fresh home-baked loaf. It was going great, I'd got the dough made, it was just beginning it's half an hour rise time before going in the oven... that's when I remembered that 15 minutes later I was supposed to be a couple of miles down the river at a clean up day. Oh dear! Hopefully I'll remember and make it to the next one.

Given the problems it caused me this morning, today's photo had to be for the theme of bread. I love bread. I could quite happily eat it and it alone for the rest of my life. Unfortunately my waistline wouldn't thank me for that so I try not to have it too often. I love the smell of it as it bakes, the texture, the colour, the wisps of steam when you cut it whilst it's still hot.

When we baked bread in Brownies or Guides we were told that it was bad to eat it whilst it was still hot as it would upset your tummy. Now, older and wiser, I realise that was a ploy to stop us eating it before we'd been collected and taken home to make crumbs all over our own floor. Personally I think you can't beat bread fresh from the oven. I'm not a big fan of butter, I won't put it on my sandwiches but you need to allow some the privilege of melting over fresh bread once in a while.

Unfortunately I couldn't capture that enticing steam, that can be a challenge for another day.

Challenge #11

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