
By SueScape


Syrup, soup, cordial, chutney, infusion, jelly, jam, wine and even champagne. Extract used as a herbal remedy against viruses, and in winter for restoring strength to the immune system. AND it is a source of vitamins A, B, & C.

In folklore, the elder's traditional position was at the back door, to keep evil spirits and other negative influences from entering the home. The true arrival of summer is supposed to be heralded by the appearance of elder flowers, and the end of it by the appearance of its fruit.

The Harris tweed industry relied upon it, with blue and purple dyes from the berries, yellow and green from the leaves, and grey and black from the bark. What an amazingly useful and generous tree at all seasons.

This one, though only a couple of feet in height, is sprouting early in the woods today.

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