Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

A new World Record?

This may look pretty gross but these teeth belong to 2 of my sons. My youngest, who is 10 has lost 4 teeth in 7 days!!!! There must be something in the air, or the water, because my middle son also lost one yesterday. The tooth fairy has been working overtime :-) Does anyone know if this is a record?

I stayed at home today as my middle son wasn't feeling too good this morning. Amazingly he perked up during the day and is fine now, strange how that happens, don't you think???

I rushed off to a school visit after giving them a quick ring at 9.10. The visit was at 10 and I managed to get changed, phone my dad, get my son out of bed and into the car, drop my son off at my dad's and travel the 30 minute journey to get there all before 10! It's a school I've done a lot of work for but I don't really hold out much hope as there are teachers out there with so much more experience than me. I go into every job application now expecting to fail. It's difficult to be positive when I've had my heart broken so many times. I know that schools are picking up on my low self confidence so I'm really going to try and be positive this time. If you could all keep your fingers crossed that would be great. (From now until about 12th Feb please!)

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

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