michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Blue Jay Day

My life has been reduced to standing in my kitchen...still in my fleece jammies...camera in hand...waiting for varmits to come to my window. Sad...or is it? On one hand...it makes me feel a little lazy. On the other hand...I WORKED 36 YEARS AND 22 DAYS for the right to do nothing at times!!! Can I get an AMEN?

It was almost a blue jay day, but I had to include Veldar, the conehead cardinal...from Saturday Night live fame. His look said this to me..."If I could...I would consume mass quantities of food...just like my bright blue brother."

What pigs these blue jays are. I looked out and saw 4 peanuts left. At least good for a couple of shots. WRONG!! The jay stuffed all 4 peanuts in his mouth, and flew off. Where was this young man when his mom and dad talked about not taking the last chicken leg or the last biscuit on the plate? Their manners are despicable, without any concerns for other needy mouths.

I did see one interesting exchange. A male blue jay took a single peanut, and took it to his mate...waiting on a branch. She took it with a slight nod of her prettty little head. It brought a question to my mind that I ask way too many times. "What's that all about?"

"Can't she come down to get her own food?" "Is it her time to play Queen for a Day?" (Only for the old-timers.) "Is he one of those hen-pecked husbands that I hear about?" "Was it his time to fix breakfast?" "Did he lose a bet so that he had to wait on her for the day?" So many questions.

Must get going. My Friday with Merrick has turned into just the afternnon. I have to punch in at 2:00 p.m. 2 things I don't miss from those 36 years. The alarm clock and the time clock.

Have a great weekend!!

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