Steamed Chestnuts

An early start to the day. We left the hotel in Beijing a little late but made our flight to Guilin. Airport shuttle to the city and an hour and a half 'local' bus ride and we are now in the town of Yangshuo. It's ot the best weather to be in this area. Misty drizzle all day, BUT.. we are very excited about some of the things we can do here. TOmorrow will be a GREAT day.

We walked around the town after we finally found our hotel and checked in. We found a huge market and along the way spotted this lady selling steamed chestnuts. We had already bought some in Guilin so we didn't try her wares.

One of the local specialties is beer fish which, much to our delight, we had for dinner. We also had a local artist paint our pictures onto matching t-shirts. The results weren't great but it's a great souvenir and also another addition to our ever growing list of 'matching stuff.

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