It caught my eye

By Pixiemo

A wee bit o Scottishness

So today is Burns Day on which all good Scots celebrate in style with haggis , neeps and tatties and a few of the famous man's poems to put ( thats right is it not ?) .
Well not all Scottish people and thats not just because I live in England i never really did get it !!!
Firstly and most importantly I hate Haggis yuck , mainly because I am veggie but also because it is just plain disgusting even the famous McSween stuff ( sorry Mr McSween). And on top of that I have no idea how to pronounce half of the words the famous Rabbie ( thats scottish for Robert ) Burns poems and why would you ...
Yikes I am probably going to get slatted ( not sure if thats how you spell that ? ) by those Patriots who see this !!! oh but heck who cares ... sorry Mum and Dad too ( up there watching looking down he did enjoy the celebrations ).
But the main thing about Burns Night is the whisky so heres one that is from a wee place not far from home . Burns Night would not be the same without a dram so go ahead and celebrate .
Glayva x

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