More Than Words


I want to shoot someone!!!!

Today I rang the department of disabilities to find out more about Liam's transport arrangements; he starts school next Monday. Because he is classified as disabled he is entitled to community transport (essentially a shared taxi). However, the department has tendered out the taxi arrangements and 600 children can not start school next Monday unless alternative arrangements are made by their parents. They were going to tell me on Friday (2 days before school starts)!!! So, what's my plan. I have had to advise the hospital that I will have to withdraw my services until transport can be arranged for L. This means telephoning all the palliative care patients on Friday telling them I am unavailable until further notice, and all clinics are cancelled. An area of 500,000 is serviced by 1.6 specialists so it's a huge reduction in services. So, while the government tries to save peanuts on transport for disabled kids, palliative care services in my part of the world have to be curtailed. I tried to find a taxi in the kids toy box but was unsuccessful. However, I did find this gun and it demonstrates that I would be happy to shoot someone from the department that made this decision. However, on a positive note, my first thought as I came home was that I could write a blip about this!! Happy Thursday.

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