Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Just a Pawn

Answer to the link coming up...firstly

I was willing to let this go. Leave it where it was. But then something today changed all that. You see i have never really published that i am a prison officer until lately and people have responded pretty well since i have.

I posted a blip a couple of days ago that i took before i went into work and said a few words about what i do. The end.....the end until today when one of my friends got dragged into a cell today by a prisoner and was alone in there for a good or bad 5 minutes.

He is okay but it made me realise that what we do isn't publiscised enough. Just recently at a prison near us there have been many staff assaults, none that made the news, at another English young offenders last year a female officer was so badly attacked she can never work again...the offender was not prosecuted due to it "Not being in the public interest". Not in the public interest? What? to find guilty a violent criminal at the age of 19, a man so dangerous he was willing to completly crush the face of a pretty young 23 year old officer over a Television.

I myself have actually been punched in the face by a con. For no reason. He just turned around and smacked me. I sustained fairly serious facial injuries and was off work for 3 weeks. He got 6 months for that. I tried to claim compensation from the CICA, a government organisation set up to compensate blamless victims of crime, that being me. Only to be told. i didn't qualify as it wasn't serious enough.

Excuse the language

What im trying to say is we work our fucking arses off day in day out for no more than £23k a year. Locking up violent offenders and we get absolutly no backing from the governement, the media, the public or even our own management. Our union is only bothered about their pensions because they are all fucking dinosaurs with weeks to do. We are continually put down and left in dangerous conditions while fucking scumbag offenders get treated with kid gloves and given everything they want. It's about time someone stood up for the little man, the pawn, the OFFICERS!!!

Rant over....

The link. The speech at the start of civil war is a speach taken from the film Cool Hand Luke not only a prison movie but the inspiration for the title of yeesterday blip. I feel like i need to have this for todays song.

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