23/31 Son-flare

Bit of a play on words. Thanks hubby :)

Been a pretty good day today even if we didn't get out of the house. Ben was finally persuaded to go downstairs with Steve to watch cbeebies... Charley slept in. After deciding to get up I managed to get the washing up done so I could reach the coffee pot, put the coffee on, had a wash, got dressed, decided on breakfast - and as I went back upstairs Charley was just stirring. Clean teeth, change nappy, get him dressed, have insulin - then put him in the wrap and go down for breakfast and coffee.

Job done: morning achieved!!!

So Charley and I got dressed, Ben elected not to. We were supposed to take a walk/ride into town for nappies but in all honesty neither of us really wanted to go out. Sometimes our usual supermarket delivery comes a couple of hours early on a Monday as the driver is in the area anyway, but today it didn't for whatever reason. Not that I minded, I pay less for a late delivery - and when I remembered there was onion chutney in the delivery that was rather nice. Also rather good was discovering (yeah yeah I forget what I order a lot) double cream in the order, when I ran out of milk for my coffee :D

So we're running short on nappies. I dug out our stash of terry squares and decided to give them another go after a particularly explosive poo requiring a full change of clothes for Charley.

Who knew there could be so many different ways to fold a terry square?! I've kind of settled on the "origami" fold, and discovered just how easy psychologically it is to make the first cut into a cheap fleecy throw to chop it up for liners.

Charley has obliged by testing each fold fully with regular explosions throughout the afternoon.

Ben, after eating so well at Hayley's the other day, has eaten hardly anything today and I suspect he has gone to bed hungry although he was ready for bed and tired and happy to go up when I took him up earlier.

And I even got a chance for a walk as I had to go out for milk once Steve was home to keep an eye on Ben. I am proud of myself: I went to the shop by myself (well, with Charley) and DIDN'T buy chocolate. Or cheese!! I did however pick up a diecast Mini Cooper S for Ben. We opened it together. He took it. He gave it back, saying he didn't like this one. As he headed off up the stairs, he said I'm sad mummy. I'm going away now.

Oh my word.

I bought the wrong car!!!!

He's since forgiven me thank goodness, and even played with it. Well, I had to play with it, while he found his funky orange supercar thing to play with. Yes, the Mini Cooper S is my car.

Chocolate Guinness cake in the oven now, and Charley is yet again on his changing table, kicking about, cooing and squawking, apparently loving it up there!

Bedtime as soon as that cake is out of the oven.


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