Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Sunset Waves

I had such a busy day today, I went to Bandon to get a haircut, and I thought the weather would be really bad, but then, the sun came out and there were nice formed clouds and I even had my camera--but--alas, I was with some other people who needed to get back home. So, I changed my clothes quickly, put on my boots, coat, knit cap and scarf and headed to the beach.

I got to Sunset Beach just as the sun was going down, and there were some great waves hitting the rocks. I don't remember seeing waves that high at Sunset before. I wish I would have got there a little earlier because my shot was dark.

The power behind the waves was tremendous I could hear the water surging and it was so exhilarating. I loved it!

I hope you all have a great Sunday. I know many will be watching the Super Bowl, I will not, but I hope all of you that do will enjoy it.

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