Between Showers

Despite the storm that felled so many trees in the Meadows at the beginning of the month, this avenue has been left relatively unscathed, and I managed to blip it in the sun between heavy wintry showers which, after a promising start, have rolled in all day on a freezing wind.

Maybe it was the original sunshine, or maybe it was something we ate last night, but his Lordship and I suddenly had the desire to tidy and rearrange rooms and find a better way of managing the proliferation of books piled in odd corners.
We both tend to horde interesting journals and reading matter and with the existing bookcases crammed to the hilt, it was time to take stock.

Once you start, the effects ricochet throughout the rooms involved, and before you know where you are there is a sort of mini springclean involved, and it's almost impossible to stop.
But fear not, we managed with great resolve to tear ourselves away and visit the coup and the local charity shop with surplus clutter.
Somewhere along the line I seem to remember a scone and a cake being involved, but no lunch has been eaten - yet.

There's just one more mini flit in my study space to accomplish, but I need his Lordship's two good arms to help me. My left arm and hand never realised before what a stalwart job my right arm does in the cleaning and polishing of the Dower House.
I must brave THE DOOR and ask nicely.

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