With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Ghosts in the machine

And an exciting image for me personally, in that it was the culmination of a day wrestling with the projector (no, the audio lead wasn't in properly was it pH!), but resulted in me being able to show this TED talk. Verbally it isn't brilliant (sorry Drew Berry) but it's visually superb. Today I could show 11 year olds the essence of DNA replication and cell division, and had the molecular model of parts of DNA I'd made with Year 12 to show the atomic level. I can use this for all my classes, whatever their age. This kind of visualisation just wasn't possible when I was at school. I would have loved it I know. I used to sit there trying to play this kind of video in my head, but was never satisfied.

However, the moving images throw up some complications in the way people envisage the working of their bodies. There's an incredible beauty in it, the result of millions of years of evolution of reactions. Some see more than that. I'm not sure there is much more, but the outcomes are pretty amazing. Children. All with their molecular ghosts.

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