Roll With It

By Falmike


Immediately prior to this photo being taken Sam had just informed us that having been in school for six hours already today she was a little "put out" at having to go back in her own time, I have some sympathy.

Options Night, in the words of the Baz Lurhman song 'Sunscreen', "some of the most interesting people I know didn't know what they wanted to do at 40". Most 13 year olds already believe that they know everything they need to know so picking four subjects from the list seems irrelevant to them, some opt for Drama or Music believing that it's an easy option, some are only offered 'Life Courses', (Hairdressing/Car Mechanics) on a day release system from school. Samantha has the opportunity to do whatever she would like with virtually every tutor recommending their subject to her. As her parents we can only gather as much information as we can and offer her our advice and opinions but mostly our support in her life path.

Whilst some children want to be rock stars, models, astronauts, actors etc. at the moment Samantha would like to be a Vetinary Surgeon working for a donkey sanctuary in South America and whilst inwardly I'm thinking "where did that come from" I'm also proud that her vision of her future does not contain aggrandizement but instead a strong feeling of the need to help those in need.

Apart from all that the one thing the school visit taught us this evening is that we MUST have an Apple Mac.

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