Light and shadows #4

Not a great day for light and shadows pictures today because the weather was all over the place in Edinburgh. A bit of sun, a bit of rain, a bit of snow, and so on... A bit crazy and cold. I liked this one I took on my way up to work just before the clouds arrived.

Not a very exciting day at work, but we're having the amount of people expected for this time of the year. Rather quiet!

I was having one of my random thoughts today. I'm not having much time to do stuff outside work, but I think most people aren't either. We live in a society where we spend most of our time doing work realated stuff, which doesn't leave us much quality time to spend with friends and family. Always in a rush, lots of things to do... But it's us humans who have created this crazy weekly working pattern, so we're the only ones to blame. Woudn't it be nice to be in a society where there were more people employed and less hours of work without our salaries being affected? I don't think this would work very well financially (there must be a formula to make this work, but I'm not an economist so I can't work it out, haha...) , but in this way we would have more quality time to spend with loved ones and pursue any other interests. I think we are just a bunch of workaholics. (Yeah, I know it sounds a bit idealistic, but it would be nice).

Anyway. The response to my last blip was a bit unexpected, but thanks very much for your lovely comments! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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