Tagine step 2

1. With a few minutes spare we prep the meal for later and decide that it's team work all the way. By the half hour we have a whole load of chicken marinading.

2. Today I seem to notice cheerful little things. The case they put your subway 10 journey ticket in, the new soap in the loos at work. Things are a bit more bright and a bit more happy.

3. Yesterday I looked at the estate agents sites and cried and today I don't. That's a step in the right direction.

4. Together we batter through the prep and knock up a really tasty meal. Karen arrives and we sit over the food an blether. Good meal, great company. It's testament to how much fun I'm having that I include a photo of me looking quite so hacket. Thank you wine bottle tripod.

5. I've been looking forward to making and eating tagine since I got back from Morocco and tonight it happened.It's nice to wish for something, to want it and to make it happen.

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