Stargazing Live

I live very close to the Royal Botanical Gardens in Edinburgh which, in conjunction with the BBC, was hosting a star gazing event as part of the week long series hosted by Dara O'Brian and Dr Brian Cox (two people who clearly don't need any additional TV exposure!).

The plan for tonight, based on the weather forecast on Stargazing Live of a clear night in Scotland, was go for a run (only did 2.74 miles - rubbish) and then set up the camera in a darkish area by a hill and capture some amazing star trails that I could then send into the show the next night.

As per usual when it comes to relying on the met office, Edinburgh was covered in a wispy white cloud that doesn't really do anything for long and multi exposure photos so instead I got out the app I have to tell me what each star is in the sky to see what I would have seen were it not for the clouds. There is a terrible joke just about to come up so please get ready for it....

As you can see, if there had been a clear sky and I had pointed my camera out of my window, I would have been able to clearly see uranus (hee hee, get it, I send uranus but it sounds like your an....)

p.s. I did warn you about the terrible joke

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