The rest of forever...

By DrMac

My Christmas Present

I had lots of plans for completing another exercise for my photography course tonight but it required the use of a moving object that I could photograph over and over again...moving past my eyes in a uniform manner in daylight.

Oops. Got home at 6.30pm....pitch black. The girls certainly don't run in straight lines or repeatedly past my camera! That task might have to wait for the weekend. Sadly the zoom lens isn't going to be back from the mending people for up to a month so I'm kind of stuck - I'm going to flick through the course and see if I can start any other modules whilst I wait for it. But I really should be marking school work...and Prof B emailed me today to ask where my 8,000 word submission of my doctorate is for publication...double oops!

So...tonight is a picture of one of my two Christmas presents from Bex. Cute little fella. She's a cute gal too!

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