'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Requiring a little love and TLC

I feel this image is quite apt for how I am feeling today! Requiring a little bit of love and some TLC. This bit of ivy, is one I keep returning to as my 'back up' Blip option. It is from the same place that I blipped a couple of weeks ago, and used the Sepia background. This particular leaf really stands out though, especially with its heart shape and I have used the 'burnt colour' option to help the textures stand out.

Sometimes you just have to say enough is enough! There are things that you just cannot control and it is no use worrying about it, especially when it hasn't happened yet. So, I need to be a little kinder to myself, just let it be and look forward to next week and my trip to London for two nights, the 'Learning Without Frontiers' conference (which promises to be very inspring as well as challenging) and the possibility of a show.

Sorry for talking in riddles.

Three beautiful things

The morning skyline peeking through the fog this morning - there was a real sense of silver linings.

Meeting up with colleagues from across the Federation.

Millie and Jem (although not the destruction phase that Jem is currently going through - if she eats one more of my books...!)

One thing to be grateful for;
Being able to have open and honest conversations without judgement.

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