Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Busy day emergency blipping

I have had a manic day!!

It started with a maths workshop at the school for my daughter. This involved getting very ready with full make up and stuffing breakfast into Baby S.

Got told by my older sons teacher that he is really struggling with reading. He only started in September and can do all the sounds but cannot seem to put them together. Worry!

Strangely he can write words and is brilliant on numbers.

Went to hubbys shop to print some stuff off. Went and picked up my mother in law to babysit. Got home and went straight to the school to do singing club. Then I got back and took her home. I got some layers pellets, fed the chickens, tried to tidy up a little, fed the baby etc etc. Less than an hour later I was back at the school doing a Glee after school club. I took my camera to take pictures but gutted as I forgot to take pictures!!!!!

Therefore it is an emergency blip of the script which has been written by myself. Seemed to go really well. I have three more weeks to pull the performance together. EEEEEEEK! x x

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