red squirrel tales

By mmac

The Lamposts fault.

I had retained a wee glimmer of hope in humanity as this big fella had been left alone at the end of Shandwick Place.
Alas one yellow jacket was hacking away at it today as another 5 provided that golden glow of support from below.
Me (to one yellow jacket) : is this because of the trams or are they ill?
clearly hoping to hold onto my denial and rage....
Yellow jacket: Blank expression. (what trams?)
Me: repeat as above replacing ill with more intelligent and horticultural sounding 'disease'
YJ: Blank expression
Me: The trams? The tree getting cut down?
YJ: eh...the's in the way...
(spot the lampost)
Me: But all the others.....(pointing to the other 30 stumps)
YJ: they's my first day.

Eh? I ask you.

Needless to say the lampost had free reign of the night sky on my way home and could shine down its beauty lighting the way forward to progress unhindered by old fashioned tree branches.

My eyes stung and it wasn't the cold air.

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