Caged in!

And it came to pass that the great plans of the Master of the house had put into place were all doomed due to the animals of the Universe residing here having other ideas! Plans A, B, C, D, E & F have all been forsook and the Master was bewildered at being outsmarted by these lowly creatures. It was therefore deemed that the lady of the house had to implement the plan she had suggested in the beginning of time.... buy a cage! So after a trip to Oban I finally bought the cage and after great hilarity (due to confinmnet of space) the cage was erected and as you can see there is space a plenty for them all . They havnt seen it yet , that pleasurew e have reserved until their bed time.
All this came about due to the fact I had opened the usless sliding door we put up some weeks back and which was shredded by the pup, when I opened it today I discovered said pup was using the cupboard for personal hygene which should have been reserved to the outside so I lost the plot and told himslef I was off to Oban to get their cage, (after I cleaned up) have you ever tried to clean up after a dug that has crapped all over every bloody thing that happened to be in the damn cupboard? laptop cases, rucksacks, (his tool box and new saw) that was funny! and all other manner of rubbish that has resided in this useless cupboard.
Now its nice and empty and has their cage in it so tomorrow as they say is another day!

Happy blipping all

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