My baby

2years 87days

She'll never not be my baby, I guess. Every now and again, she does something, and that's it, she's back to the teeny girl I held in my arms that first time. Today, it was when she balled up tight, on her tummy on my bed, like she'd just come out, wrapped up tight in a blanket. She had one tiny foot peeping out, a little smile on her face. She just looked all squishy, small and extremely precious. One of those moments where your heart just feels like it could burst with love and pride. She then stood up on the bed and started bouncing, whilst singing Three Little Monkeys. Newborn moment passed.

She's at nursery this morning. It dawned on her about half way there that this was the outcome to the journey. But she was happy before I left, playing with a Peppa Pig car, cuddled with one of the staff.

This afternoon, she's very excited as her and Ava are going to a party, for Ava's cousin, and we're taking Ava in our car. She's been chattering quite a while this morning about "put Bobbobs next to Katie, in the other carseat, with Katie, go party".

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