Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

We come in peace

Daughter has had to make a rocket for homework. This gorgeous creation is a pop bottle covered with paper mâché and the planet is salt dough (gotta love the salt dough).

Izzi has done it all with a little bit of assistance. I know come tomorrow that there will be a dazzling array of rockets and some will be brilliant because the parents did most of the work.

I have had a fab Sunday doing nothing. Well I say nothing I have cooked dinner, cleaned the kitchen, read a book, helped bake a planet etc etc. My niece, her husband and my nephew came today with cards, flowers and beer. It was very unexpected and a very kind thank you for the baby stuff that we have sent there way. I am so looking forward to being a Great Aunt.

It's so awful at the moment how couples of their age are unable to get on the housing ladder and in fact even afford rent. Her husband is working full-time and she was made redundant. They are living with his parents but it clearly is not going to be a situation that is going to work in the fullness of time. I think I was lucky to be born when I was as I managed to buy a house when they were still reasonably priced and mortgages were available on an average wage. The timing of the baby is not brilliant but I had my daughter when I was their age (24) so why should they not be able to make the same choices.

I feel in some ways we are moving back in time and the richer get richer and the poorer get poorer. I feel that each generation should have it a bit better than the last but this is getting harder and harder.

Anyway enough of my depressing talk. it's been a lovely day x x x x

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