looking back, over my shoulder

that's a song, isn't it?
maybe I'll remember which one by the time I've finished typing!

Mr. Spitzi has a trapped nerve in his spine which has been rather annoying for a while. Now he's had about three million doctor appointments, MRI, physio etc etc he's having to get into a routine of moving around more. Obviously, it's in all our interests to sort this problem out properly so we're supporting him in it by, not only nagging him, but also taking part in his exercise routine. So, this morning we went swimming and this afternoon I went for a leisurely walk across the fields with him (he shouldn't walk on hard surfaces). I haven't attempted proper swimming for years, more than I care to think about. I didn't even know if I really could swim anymore. To be honest, my idea of swimming for the last few years has been "lie in the jacuzzi til the children are fed up with the slides and we can go home again". Anyway, I discovered that I can swim without drowning! And I'm quite fast too. And I enjoyed it! I can see a new water-filled era of my life opening up!
The view is from the back of the orchard looking towards our house. Please note enormous Linden tree to right of house and pause a moment to think about how many leaves I have to rake every autumn.

here's our next exercise routine, watch carefully so you can do it too

It's Mike and the Mechanics, isn't it?

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