
today was mild and sunny. I spent the afternoon sorting seeds and preparing garden beds, mucking out chickens so that the muck will be rotted enough to go on the garden by the time I need it, marking out the bit of garden that will be the herb garden and, really just pottering about like the old potter-y person I like to be.
This one had her first "play outside" day of the year. When I got her and her friend to come in to eat popcorn and drink juice I discovered that both were filthy - friend had found some red spray and they....sprayed....then they tried to wash themselves. Friend's coat was both red and soaking...after a bit of sulking (on their part, not mine) I managed to find out what they'd been spraying and could read the label to find out it is harmless - just red. Parents, send your children to me, they are safe in my hands!!

Today I was lucky enough to spend some time driving the yellow hair-dryer-on-wheels that I ALWAYS seem to end up with as my replacement car when my car goes in for a service. The children laughed at me and were embarrassed to be seen in it. It was alright for them, I had to DRIVE the thing!! How embarrassing is that?! Anyway, my car is back home again all nicely serviced, smelling strangely clean and with new brakes (ouch! but luckily not more...)

Happy weekend! here's a song for you

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