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"Gonna gut you like a fish"

Multipurpose tools such as this are very useful. Each tool could represent the specific mood I am in. Some days I am ready to grip the world with as much as I can and take off running (pliers); other days, I am so meticulous and drowning in the minute details (small tools); maybe I am doing major adjusting in my life and need to saw off a few things and make room for bigger and better stuff (saw)...you get the analogy.

Today? I'm beyond angry. I was lied to. Trying my best to respond to this and not "react". Yes, it stings...but this man didn't have to lie. THAT is the sad part. Such potential...but he is just washing it away with drugs and alcohol.

He should be thankful he is more than 18 hours away from me right now.

Ever just have one of those days?

Hoping tomorrow is a "screwdriver" day and we can fix things. But, I bet it will be a "pliers" day as more than likely I will grab his you-know-whats and yank them right off.

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