
By PicturePicture

You never know

There was this felon...(all interesting stories start out that way don't they?)

There was this felon who was reporting to our office for possession of drugs. He had been reporting for several years and was doing quite well. He was doing some community service work and said he would like to paint our stair wells and put some color on them with scenes from our local area. We agreed. He did the basement, and second floor (currently shown) and was saving the third as his Pièce de résistance.

Unfortunately, he became involved in a drug deal that went bad and he was shot and killed. The third floor stair well has remained blank for several years now. Personally, I prefer it to remain blank. It kind of reminds me that you never know when life is going to take a turn for the worse. You may say goodbye to the person you love tomorrow morning, and they may never return home. This guy never would have chosen his life to end that way, but it did. You never know.

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