
Well, not really but it was nice to sit at the Genius Bar in the Apple store with my eldest girl Josie, if only for the five minutes it took one of the "genuises" to tell her that she may as well wait until next month for her iphone upgrade rather that get a replacement as her current one is pretty much on it's last legs:)

Oh I am tired today. I had a sleepless night with Arwen as she's not well, full of cold, snot, coughing, sneezing & spluttering, which made both of us knackered. b My girls are rallied round though. Caitlin got her snuggled on the sofa with a duvet & made her breakfast. Asha looked after her & they watched watched Harry Potter together while I went out with Josie who not only treated me to lunch but also treat me to a cuddly purple giraffe! Oh I do ? my girlies :D

Tonights plan is to get the littlest one dosed up & tucked in and then I will be curling up on the sofa myself to catch up on some ER.

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