Delicious Big Bowl

Today was a manic and crazy day. Have been going non-stop from 8am to 7pm with seeing patients and taking care of paperwork and emails and phone calls. I am not used to this, and I'm worried that this is what life will be like soon. And I wonder why we don't have kids yet......I'm not ready! I can't imagine a busy day like this and then piling on one or two kids on top of that. Now I know why all my friends with kids are so busy and crazy.

I did make this for dinner - another one of Heidi's recipe's - Delicious Big Bowl. I'm into the 3rd day of my 21 day yoga challenge and one of the challenges is to eat a vegetarian meal once a day. I need that as a reminder because I was eating (what felt like) a lot of meat during the holidays and now I'm feeling it.

Off to bed. Goodnight!

Oh! And I got my beautiful Christmas present today - a 17" laptop from Dell. I'm sure I'll post a pic of it soon. It's a monster compared to my 14" 5.5 year old MacBook.

And 13 years ago today Jer shared his Reeses Pieces with me in Chinese class....

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