My world in pictures!

By MichelleB

Photographers Block????

I had a really bad day at work today where my job share partner basically spent the morning belittling me and my work (nothing new there believe me). Anyhow, it clearly affected me in other ways too as I found myself severely lacking in ideas for today, even the kids didn't inspire me which is very unusual, they are usually my failsafe!

So I found myself tonight trying lots of different things and being happy with none of them and absolutely nothing coming to me at all. I joked that I had photographers block only to find out on the net this is a recognised term, lol!

I truely felt nothing I tried was good enough and that I just simply seemed to have lost all my confidence. Very strange...perhaps a lot to do with the uncertainty in my job at the moment and that I was considering going to college to do a photography course to embrace my interest and possibly turn it into something I could make money from. Despite having had interest from people in my photos and asking if I could do some for them this doesn't seem to be enough. I find myself pondering, am I good enough to make a career out of this??? Especially when I am stumped so early on :(

So this was the result of one of my experiments tonight. I ended up with the choice of two shots and decided to go with this one. Sorry its not very exciting but the best I could come up with today. The happy note to end on is I already have a shot planned for tomorrow, lets just hope it works out :)

Thanks for stopping by x

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