French Disko

By FrenchDisko


Had a peaceful and productive day working at home today: got stacks done and had chance to play about with my fish eye lens too, in day light.

Was at home because an npower electrician was due round to replace our cracked electricity meter. 11 am, electrician arrives, looks at the job, can't carry on because the board the meter is attached to is not fixed securely to the wall. npower electrician makes phone call and goes away. 2 pm, representative from the energy distribution company (or something) arrives to assess what needs to be done and goes away to report it to the people who will come and do what needs to be done. 5.30 pm, no more visits from representatives and no new meter. Can't wait to see how many more people will be involved tomorrow. Is this an opportunity for efficiency savings at npower, or is this one of Cameron's big ideas for creating new jobs?

Next: Yoga (^_^)/

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