Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


It was such a lovely morning that I decided to take the girls out for some fresh air. We did our usual route, drive to the sports centre and park, walk down to the loch to feed the ducks, then walk back to the park.

The ducks weren't coming anywhere near us again, but Elizabeth enjoyed eating their bread instead.

I changed Rebecca's pram into a pushchair so that she could have a bit of a look around if she was awake. But it also meant that Elizabeth could see her too. She was quite happy for most of the time that she was awake, but that wasn't long. She slept through the whole trip to the park.

There was another little girl and her mum at the park. We know them from some of the groups we go to, so we had a chat and the girls ran around after each other. The other mum had biscuits for her little girl, which she offered to Elizabeth. When I asked Elizabeth afterwards if she had had fun she said yes, "I have a biscuit with Lily". Oh well!

The exercise and fresh air has put both Elizabeth and Rebecca to sleep. It's the first time I've ever got Elizabeth to nap properly when I've had the two of them on my own. WOO! I really hope the spring comes soon, so that we can do this sort of thing more often.

I meant to add this yesterday. Elizabeth was in the kitchen and put her hands over her eyes, for hide and seek. She counted all the way up to 10 on her own. She's known her numbers for ages and has been able to count with us. But I've never heard her do it all on her own like that.

And her new favourite toys are her jigsaws. She got some for her Christmas, and now she wants to play with them all the time. She still needs help with the bigger ones, but she does them really well.

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